Eating, cleaning, transporting, and bathing are some of the tasks we do every single day of our life. We may not appreciate our abilities to perform these basic activities, but when we experience an injury, disability, illness, or aging, our quality of life is affected. The personal care services in Wayne County, Michigan, aim to bring back the quality of life of individuals suffering from these.
A home care agency in Southfield, Michigan, supports us in two kinds of daily activities.
- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
ADLs are essential survival tasks. Eating, bathing, dressing, and walking are examples. When someone cannot perform these, the need for in-home elderly care assistance in Southfield, Michigan, is necessary. Without caregivers, whether family or professional, the affected person may be at risk of potential dangers and experience a poor quality of life. If you have a loved one who cannot do these independently, home care services in Oakland County, Michigan, are the key.
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
Sometimes, the first sign that someone needs assistance is when a person cannot perform IADLs. Cleaning and cooking are not necessary for survival, but these examples of IADLs can significantly improve the quality of life. When you lose your ability to do the IADLs, you may also lose independence.
Whether you need assistance in performing ADLs or IADLs, Heaven Sent Home Support Services LLC is ready to help. We provide home care services to your loved ones, including in-home private duty care in Southfield, Michigan. Nothing makes our existence more meaningful than helping you experience the quality of life despite limitations.